I was sent some photos from Situation/Intervention Construct/De-Construct a week or so ago. I include these with this blog post. Also included is the video essay that was presented at the exhibition.

I thought this video was a good idea. I had never thought of using a video rather than the standard artists statements. I think it is a fresh idea and something that I will use myself in the future. The conversation element of the video piece works successfully I think.

Since this exhibition closed a month ago, I’ve been making a series of paintings. It’s been an odd time since building Remnants. Everything seemed to slow right practice-wise. I’ve been making a series of paintings, that have been a struggle, whilst also looking for opportunities to make another large-scale work. It’s also been a nostalgic month or so, with it being a year since completing my MA and going to this years Summer shows. You can’t help but to reflect on what you have, or haven’t acheived in the last 12 months. It was good catching up with people I hadn’t seen in a while and it was reassuring to know that many were in a similar position and mindset to myself.

I also returned to Exeter for a few days, where 10 years ago I began my Fine Art degree. That was a more reassuring experience, thinking about how far my practice has come since I was making that old work in 2002, and also reminded me that I am still making work.

I’m hoping that the sudden change to Autumn will give me that ‘back to school’ feeling and help me re-focus on my practice after an odd but thourougly enjoyable Summer.

Time to work harder.