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Hello, I'm going to make a start then.

I don't really like to use the word Artist to describe what I do, it has too much baggage attached. I'm just compelled to make creative investigations into things I find fascinating, which usually result in me making Stuff. Also there's already quite a lot of Stuff around so I might not always make something. That's okay too.

Sometimes I find it hard to talk to other people about all this, but I'm trying to get over it. After all, it's all just about Being Alive. I really don't like it when people use lots of long words, in fact I went to a party with lots of Philosophy graduates last month, and you know what? They used lots of long words to say nothing at all. Their opinions were simply dull and delivered with not much conviction.

It's been an interesting month, what with the PRS application, suddenly I'm curating (and the main 'artist') for a sound piece in a nuclear bunker (funding permitting). Ian was really helpful and made me write it better.

Website is up there, half done, but there, and I'm getting my html chops up to finish the rest. Now my bread and butter writing work has dried up I've time to get Official, small toddler allowing.