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(PART 1)

So time for a little round up now of 2008, so much seems to have happened since I started this blog in October.

Christina Bryant won the Margaret Harvey Open, thoroughly deserved, although I must say that I thought some of the other works that made it in were of dubious quality, and I did not agree with some of the other judging decisions. I concede it must be very hard to mount such an exhibition and achieve any kind of cohesion. I went to the award ceremony and was disapointed with the placement of my works, and the general jumble of so many pieces on the walls. I imagine a Royal Academy effect was desired, but it was far too crowded for that. When the winner was announced I immediately started clapping (on my own) as everyone else didn't seem to know what the piece was. Much to my husband's enjoyment and my embarassment, the clapping was not picked up on, until everyone had oggled the piece, mad a two second judgement about it, then clapped as per society conventions. So I had my own little clapping performance piece while the husband guffawed behind his hand.

It made me think about all the different spheres of the 'Art' world, how disjointed and separate areas can be. Because some of the very respected photographers I know wouldn't have got anywhere near that exhibition, which had always seemed more 'local', yet their work is the very best in contemporary.

My funding for the nuclear bunker project did not get accepted, but things have been progressing so fast, I've barely noticed because I'm on to the next idea(s). A bit like records, they tend to come out so late after the work was recorded, they can loose their freshness. Now I'm all for percolation of ideas, letting them settle, but there is definitely a part of me that needs to investigate Freshness and Immediacy. Getting new work out there asap. Hold that thought.