Viewing single post of blog Recording in progress

Well over a month since my last post, and it has been a strange one. It's been hard to summon the impetus to retain any offical creative flow, but an artist curator in Milan has shown some interest in my Flyover series and possible sound works as well, for an upcoming exhibition in Italy so I'm curious to see what happens.

I like to remind myself that inspiration and influence for me is ongoing and more commonly occurs outside the remit of conventional research and creative practice. Like going to the supermarket for example. Or being turned on to Richard Feynman's way of thinking through some great YouTube links a friend sent me. TO summarise, it's ok if you don't know the names of stuff, but it sure as hell helps when you're trying to talk to others about it!

Very strangely, a few of my peers and all seem to be thinking at the moment about diversifying into other creative areas (naming creative and comedy writing, plus what I call Money Paintings). Some for all too obvious monetary reasons, others purely for exploration. So the future fruits are a yet unknown species, and may involve psuedonyms for logistical reasons.

I have started an Artist Book (as I believe they are called); as you may remember Dear Reader I have been doodlling and think I have found a way to group pieces together cohesively.

Lastly a pause for thought to consider an artist friend who is contractually stuck in a creative partnership hole, trying to get out but caught in much red tape and need to earn a living. How lucky I am that I swan about pretty much free creatively, with purely time constraints and the wants of a small toddler to butt against. If I had to work in a certain way, day in day out, with someone I no longer cared for artistically or emotionally I would be very sad indeed.