Viewing single post of blog Red Gate Gallery, Beijing, China (Busby)

Here’s a sampling from recent images of t-shirts: Passion Island/Dreamland; Rugby Hard D&G Real Stuff Rough Tough: Let the Gardens Heal Your Soul.

I learned today that in the early 1990s it was fashionable here to wear t-shirts that said things in Chinese like, “I’m a loser” or had a symbol that was against the wave of building destruction that was going on then. Apparently, the government cracked down on this self-expressive, sometimes politically critical trend. (Thanks for this info Stan.)

I also found out that learning some English is strongly encouraged, if not obligatory for Chinese high school students now. This is a very recent thing. So maybe those wearing the t-shirts do know what they say. (Thanks for this info Burton and Brian.)

I’m not sure if I want to document the person’s torso bearing the t-shirt only, or include their head as well. For now, when it seems ok with them, I’m including their face in the picture, which gives me the option to decide later. (I’ve been showing them the picture on the camera for their approval.) Before I actually started taking pictures, I thought I wanted the t-shirt only. Afterall, the project isn’t about individual portraiture but by means of a modest archive, making a portrait of this place and time.