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I spent last week sorting out my new studio at Rogue (although there is still a lot of painting and deep cleaning to do), but it has been great to start getting settled. I have postponed the decorating, as I have really had to get down straightaway to start sorting the logistics of my exhibition at the CHRC next month. I have started making a maquette of the installation which is a first for me. The idea of using such a process came from research in Chongqing, particularly a visit to their City Town Planning museum. I also headed up to Scotland at the end of last week, for a short camping trip to the Black Isle, and to pay respect to my mother and grandparents graves. It has been a lovely quiet trip full of reflection and walking. I am on my way to Edinburgh now for some more meetings, then back up to Aberdeen for a family event, and then home to get on with the making for the exhibition. I am thinking about the benefits of considering work more, pro- crastination and thinking longer.