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Weather report –

So far the weather has prevented me from projecting the remade graffiti…this was intended to be the hub of the project…but heavy and unpredictable showers arrive constantly. Can't see a rain cloud approching in the dark…not to mention interference from strong winds. Luckily the chance to show some documentary works from the project at JUST RELOCATED: Heirtage Centre 2025 [this is part of morecornwall.org – artist led projects summer 2007] has prevailed. The show is up and running now and although not one of the most reknowned of exhibiton spaces given its rural-off-the-beaten-track position, the relevance of its relationship to the site has really been worth capitalising on. It also picks up the passing trade of the cliff walkers and heritage visitors…the interpretation of the count house workshop blends into our work…leading to some surpising reactions.