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Returning to blogging on a-n is like picking up with an old friend again and I’m particularly happy to be returning as the recipient of an a-n Re:View bursary. Funding to facilitate critical dialogue around my work, firstly, is absolutely, totally the last thing I expected to find in this climate of cuts and secondly, absolutely, exactly what I needed at this stage in my practice. So I’m very happy.

For those of you that are new to my work, I put my original practice, with a back catalogue of exhibitions and international residencies etc, into hibernation to raise a large family, and in 2008, before they were quite done, and after 10 years of endless nappies and broken nights, I got it out, dusted it off and began again. Since then I’ve been building up my work, exhibitions, contacts, expanding into new media, and generally making up for lost time. Last year was particularly frantic and this year I have taken my foot off the pedal somewhat with the sole intention of spending time in critical engagement with myself, my work and others. Luckily this has coincided with relationships with others developing to the point where they have suggested such a process and a-n kindly awarding me the bursary.

And so, quite unexpectedly, that brings us to now.