finally some action !

models for an installation idea are already sitting in my new studio space and now some preparations for "Dungbeetle and Sisyphus" are firmly underway..


It has been really quite tough working through these past months. The stalking hasn't stopped and I never quite know if I am being dramatic or if I seriously need to be concerned about my security. It all feels too insane so it kind of drops off of me but I wonder what it will feel like when it's finally over.

People say: oh make art about it. But I sort of am not particularly interested in making self-indulgent work about just myself and I don't quite see it being something of great interest to anyone. Mind you, being an artists is pretty self-indulgent to begin with, perhaps that is enough.

A residency would have been wonderful but the life with drawn curtains and looking around my shoulders all the time didn't quite set the stage for ideas finding space to grow in my mind and become solid. The new studio is great but only until I am being haunted there, too. Which I simply hope won't happen.

But it's not all gloom, I have been sought out to show some work and it looks like I'll be getting a full room. That is for the Biennial in Liverpool. I am excited and mildly terrified and certainly honored.

If I don't stop writing this moment then I'll miss a nice evening at Wolstenholm Square, I am already late for the opening events. So I best stop this wrambling and get myself going.

I'll write more about the mini-residency at the stables in the next days or on my return from Italy where I am now going to escape to. yes, I left the best for last. That's the way..

Italy is calling and I am giving in to it's seductive allure.

Ciao bella and ciao bello. I am off and off and off yes I am. No worries about safety just pure wonderful, delicious Italy.

I say in all my sophistication: YUM.