Viewing single post of blog rolling my dung, in four acts

I finally saw Doris Salcedo's ripp in the tissues of the Art Megamarket. Not to criticize the institution, I love it. Nevertheless this massive structure is a convenient one-stop shop for all who seek 'cultural virtue' as an addition to their curriculum vita of city-visit activities…

Of course it is a fantastic reference point.

Maybe it's time that I get back to reporting about my work not just my late night musings. Wdnesday morning I will meet with my vocalist conspirator to continue work on sound for 'Khoreia'.

I also should fast get over my inhibitions when it comes to giving my works titles.

(I have actually started to collect titles whenever one comes my way, to be better prepared.. It is a strange way to go about it, and unexpectedly it also started giving me ideas for projects, as well as help to solve my 'title blanks'…)