sky drawings

These drawings were made in response to the site. I’m asking myself why I have begun to draw the body, particularly in an unfinished, disembodied and floating state.

They are so simple and naive they remind me of Francis Alys work. Although the lines do not render the body in any anatomical way, instead they suggest the form, something I like.

I haven’t begun printing yet, but on first inspection the black line is not visible to any degree until a closer look. So really they look like photos of clouds.

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sky drawings

(site specific drawings on perspex, held up to the sky and photographed)

I’ve limited theses types of drawings to the sky and the ground, it seems that everything in between is not required…

These drawings are made in response to the place and time, for instance I drew the smiley face because there was a cloud in the same shape, but it’s a shame it can’t be seen in the photo.

I’m drawn to the ambiguity of the unfinished body shapes. Whatever is drawn and held against the sky has to compete with it’s vista, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t.

Each photo is taken pointing North and straight up (zenith?). I felt it needed some sort of grounding. The drawings only exist momentarily, much like the snippet of sky, it gets wiped away.

The drawings are about possessing the sky in some way, making a mark.

In the meantime I’ve been working on some other ideas as well;

reconstructed clouds:clouds are photographed, measured by eye, positioned and re-made as faithfully as possible with stuffing and then photographed in situ.

bruise catalogue: still at initial stages, Google images of people’s bruises are re-drawn.