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The Meeting# = (unresolved, ongoing, seemingly never ending project, slightly bewildering, faff)

Way back in April an image of an artist’s meeting in a_n inspired me. I was fascinated by the participant’s facial interactions.

For a long time I’ve been interested in re-enactments. Taking this to it’s logical conclusion I requested a meeting out the back by the garages.

Four non-artists, (haters, actually), an Ikea table from the dump, a Dictaphone and me taking photos. I asked them to discuss contemporary art and they obliged. The following transcript kills me every time. But I love them for it. This is what they really think.

The Meeting = 16 photos, a transcript and an Ikea table.

Since May I’ve faffed with these components endlessly without reaching any conclusion. I can’t decide whether what I have already is enough.

I’ve broken up the table with the intention of creating a monument and want to incorporate the transcript into the wood somehow.

I’m continuing to faff with the images; drawing and annotating them in an attempt to link back with the office and flag up the interaction.


Aha!…so it does take a blog post to make you realise what was under your nose all along!