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Thank you David Riley, (A D V E R T I S I N G) your comments have inspired me to crack on.

I will be writing out my ideas onto the surface of this box, then painting it over, then repeating the process. Each idea will be encased in paint, building up layers.

I found this jewellery box at the dump today, I was on the look out for something unwanted, small and evocative with enough surface area to write on. To think that it belonged to someone. They kept their jewellery in it, they wore their jewellery out and about. It’s easy to attach preconcieved notions to this little object and that’s what fascinates me most about used and second hand things.

Turns out this is a cathartic process; I never got round to starting the idea on the box. Once it’s painted over it’s gone. My intention was to collect all the print outs from the a_n jobs and opps online page that I had been interested in over the space of a year. This was in realisation that I hadn’t done anything creative for a year. It felt like a year wasted.

But with each new idea comes a set of self imposed rules. Where these rules surface from, I don’t know but at one point I thought should I actually finish each idea written on the box before another layer of paint? A crazy suggestion since I work on everything at once.