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Stephen Fry/ Care Bear with Blind Reconstruction Drawings

My starting point is an image from Heat, a pap of Stephen Fry wearing a Care Bear head. I’m fascinated with the concept of reconstruction and initially decided to straight forward photograph a model wearing similar gear and in a similar pose.

Since discovering the ‘blind’ drawing approach featured in Drawing Projects by Maslen and Southern, I’ve changed my mind about this. The technique aims to achieve a ‘feeling response’ and a direct connection between the hand that draws and the hand that feels. Basically you draw blindfolded and interpret what you feel with the other hand. It’s exceptionally liberating, particularly for someone who has lost touch with drawing, its purpose and potential.

It isn’t enough just to take a photo. Using this technique I will draw what I feel, it’s yet another step away from an accurate reconstruction, more like Chinese whispers. The truth of the photograph and the event becomes ever more grainy and distorted.

I’ve used a bear’s head in place of the care bear head as a starter. I’m aiming to feel out the reconstruction in it’s entirity in one go and draw it out. At the moment I’m thinking about what format this could take. Life size, A4? Which pens to use or even try paint?

Integral to this technique, are the following issues; not really knowing where you are on the paper at any one time and an in-continuity of line. There’s a spontaneity to the end result which is great, you are almost absolved of any responsibility! There’s a lightness but greater concentration to mark making.

The pink oil pastel has a touch of George Condo about it; ugly and course. Like it ;)

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