My small sketchbook/diary I carry around with me has become very important again. I have a lot of sketchbooks and notebooks for capturing various things such as, exhibitions I have visited, drawings, automatic writing, ideas, visual diary entries, tickets and receipts, to do lists, life drawing and doodling. Lately I have been combining all these elements into one book. Where possible I am trying to get away from separating, hiding, cataloging and labeling. This feels more honest. One element does not exist without the other.

I was inspired by Doris Lessing’s The Golden Notebook (1972) which I have finished at last (amazing book – very womanly). The main character, a novelist with writers block tries to separate different parts of her life and writing into four separate notebooks. It is when she stops separating and starts combining everything into one notebook she finds the inner knowledge she is looking for.

If I’m honest I’m a little lost, in-between stages. I have two panels ready and waiting to be painted on. The ideas are formed I just needed to get started.

Instead I’ve been staring out of the window at my ever-growing collection of windmills.

All ready and waiting for the next gust of wind.