
January is the month where joy, delight and happiness is thin on the ground. For me recent incidents create reasons to be cheerful.

Over the New Year’s we were fortunate to stay with dear friends Mike and Kate.

Catching up, comparing notes, sharing news and our hopes and uncertainties for the year ahead Mike said:

“Well we are people who can get joy from any life”

I rushed back to our room and wrote his thought down in my book. I have been reflecting about this idea ever since.

Harry Baker, an author and poet has been talking to us this week on Prayer for the Day, BBC Radio 4’s daily prayer and reflection. Each 2 minute programme brings huge happiness at the start of the day.  He signed off his January 9 broadcast with

“Creator god, thank you for adventure. Thank you that this world is so full of wonder that a lifetime spent exploring it wouldn’t even begin to scratch the surface”.

>> Link to that broadcast https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001gwx2

I discovered joy in another quarter this week – Photographer Alan Burles in his Guardian article A lighter side of life – picture essay published on Monday 26 December.

“The first time I saw a photograph by Elliott Erwitt I fell madly in love with him. “I wasn’t only drawn to Erwitt, I quickly discovered many other amazing reportage photographers too and I now realise that one of the things that I was drawn to was that their work didn’t condemn the world, it celebrated it. “

Link to that article >> https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2022/dec/26/a-lighter-side-of-life-picture-essay

I wrote to Alan saying how much I enjoyed his piece and the accompanying photographs.

He replied to the same day to my email saying

“I see you are an artist I can see that your art also celebrates the world”

The copyrights of The Guardian newspaper, BBC and photographer Alan Burles are acknowledged