White Cuboid, Black Cylinder, 2012. Sikander Pervez.

This is an early experiment consisting of a chair painted white and a caster wheel drilled into it.

This experiment was realised soon after the work I had been working on for the 48 hour exhibition in which I used the shadow of a simple dining table chair to explore how the history of furniture has impacted on what we make in present times. I have always associated glossy, white, streamlined, plastic/metal objects with an obsession with making everything ‘futuristic’ in the design industry. Therefore, I decided to research when and how white became so popular in commercial household objects in England. My trail lead me to Josiah Wedgwood, who added white to his pottery and it was very popular amongst homes.

With this in mind I went on to carry out my experiment and drilled a hole into the chair to add a caster wheel because my practice concerns the fast paced, throw-away generation of our time.

It was only once I had completed this artwork, that I realised it referenced Marcel Duchamp’s Bicycle Wheel.


Quick experiment. Investigating the deceptive qualities imitation materials.


Untitled (Chair & Orange Plastic II), 2012.

Further experimentation with the mass produced Uncle Ben’s Rice packaging trimmings and the functionless chair.



Organising the supporting work in my studio space for the assessment.


Using inspiration from the repetition module, I started to further investigate the properties and origin of materials without form alongside the exploring the boundaries of sculpture and installation. I had been reading heavily into ‘New British Sculpture’ of the 1980’s, and this is very referential in these experimental works.

My work almost always considers the space that it occupies, however, with inspiration from sculptors such as Richard Wentworth, Bill Woodrow, Tony Cragg etc. I decided to concentrate solely on the materials I was working with.

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