This is a continuation of the previous wall drawing of the Le Corbusier shape. This time i have used Google Sketch-Up to transform the shape into an unusual, architectural form – looking almost as if it would be possible to exist as an actual building. I have again drawn on the wall – but this time i have integrated the architecture of the gallery space by projecting the shape onto an outer corner, meaning i have drawn onto two walls, the pillar connecting the two and the floor. This creates a new illusion – forcing the viewer into an uncomfortable position to try to see the “correct” shape, otherwise it does not make sense – gaps appear around the corners and elements of it are stretched. I’d like to try some other versions of this idea on large and small scale.


This work explores a building from Le Corbusier’s Ville Radieuse architectural model. I drew the particular buildings perimetre – ignoring the 3D elements shown in the photograph – and repeated it on Adobe Illustrator, printed it onto acetate and drew it up from an over-head projector onto the wall. I then flipped the acetate and drew it again, allowing overlaps and confusion as to what the original shape was. This piece has a decorative element to it – something which Le Corbusier would have detested greatly as it would oppose his “Law of Ripolin” – a law he wished to have had enforced meaning everything had to be white, to “cleanse the soul”.


Research into Suprematism has prompted questions regarding the contradictory beliefs of its founder; Kazimir Malevich. It is these contradictions which have led to the creation of works which subtly deride his beliefs. Within the series The Contradictions of Malevich, I have used manufactured materials to explore the contrast between the cut that the machine leaves – which is seen as perfection – and the unique, manmade cut filled with human error. The individual pieces can be presented in an endless amount of compositions which is what i am currently experimenting with. I will continue to post these on-going experiments.