For me the central experience of the StudioBook programme 2017 in Manchester, to date, is about relationships – building and creating new relationships and finding ways of maintaining and nourishing them. At the same time, it is also about being in and discovering places I have never visited before – Salford and Manchester, which are in a constant flux with rebuilding all around. There is the juxtaposition of traditional redbrick buildings and shiny new 21st century architecture.

Since the StudioBook fortnight finished, I have been going through my notes, through all the stuff I gathered – impressions, memories and printed matter. My notes were very useful for putting together a proposal for a “StudioBook Commission to Collect” opportunity with the University of Salford Art Collection and for another proposal for a group exhibition that we, the group of twelve StudioBook artists, had in November 2017 at Old Granada Studios in Manchester.

Amongst the many words in my notebook, I found these: “Start with a theme or a topic and develop it into a project you are passionate about, …think of a group to work with.” What appeared to be a simple advice turned out to be highly relevant.

The experience of a group of artists coming together during the StudioBook fortnight and getting to know each other had a huge impact on me, both emotionally and professionally. I experienced ‘togetherness’, sharing, mutual understanding and a surge of creative energy. The stream of new experiences had a enormous effect on the way I thought about my artwork for the November exhibition. I wanted to bring this fabulous group of people together again to enrich us with yet another joint experience that could form the basis of an artwork to be shared with an audience. This idea was the theme of our collaborative work: RELATION(S)intertwined immersed lasting – a performative reading at Chetham’s Library, which took place just before the opening of an exhibition in Old Granada Studios – In Nothing Flat – which showcased works by all twelve StudioBook artists.