I’m back…..

I can’t believe its been so long, what with the dissertation, feasibility study, kiddliwinks starting nursery (a whole hour and a half to myself) and the snow…… it’s been a rollercoaster!

The dissertation is going well, I’m halfway through and as per most dissertations its developed its own route, one that I’ve had to restrain from deviating several times. I only hope that the conclusion isn’t a repeat of the content, but I have good guidance in the form of Sue Griffith. Unfortunately, I’ve not been in Uni for any useful period of time, which I’d promised myself I’d do at the start of this blog…so I’m very much behind in productivity, (and so many calls for entries at the same time!)

….but I have been very busy behind the scenes for the proposed sculpture.

I was reminded at my tutorial that this external project only counts as 10% of the mark for the year, but as I said at the time, the grading isn’t relevant, its the experience and the knowledge gained and the desire for conclusion that really matters.

The feasibility study is – I’ve come to realise – fundamental to the outcome. As I mentioned in my blogger profile, I put an outline proposal in to the Agency for consideration, (very VERY basic) and then approached the manufacturers directly for advice in its construction and approximate costings.

Last heard, the proposal had gone up for discussion (but that was before Christmas) and to date, I haven’t heard anything either way, but I’m still going ahead with finalising it to a professional standard.

Going straight to the top – Pilkington Technical Dept very kindly put me in touch with a local contact, who agreed to meet and discuss the sculpture. My vision has them scratching their heads as to its possible construction – something that’s never been achieved in glass on this scale. If it works and is realised, it’ll be a technical first (so they’re keen to see if it can be done too).

A structural engineering company in Swansea is also giving me free advice with regards to snow and wind load capacities (things I never even dreamed of) in readiness for my meeting with Pilkington Architectural next Tuesday.

Everyone has been so enthusiastic and so generous with their time and advice, it renews my confidence in the proposal in this lull. Through these meetings I know that costs and manufacturing will be a major issue to its fruition, and there is a small part of me that thinks it may not be wholly feasible – a case of vision versus technicality. I’ll have to wait and see what they say on Tuesday…. ooer.