We had a year meeting this morning, introducing us to "Big Crit" which will take place every tuesday morning from now on.

Each week two students will give a 45 min presentation of their work to the class and a selection of lecturers. We need to treat it as an oppurtunity to prepare and test our skills of presenting our own artwork. Something which we havent really had a chance to do, especially on a scale like this. We spent an hour chatting about what was acceptable and what wasnt, for example: The presentation must take place in that room, we cannot fill the room with the actual artwork, we cant overrun and we need to have time dedicated to questions/debating.

Im pretty excited, i cant wait to get to know the people in my studio through a strong first impression of their artwork. Perfect :) Plus, it will encourage me organise my portfolio, its gotten a little rough around the edges over the last couple of years. (oops).

I also went into my installation room today, well, tried to. The door was locked with a note from my lecturer:

"Hi Erin, I have heard through the grape vine that you intend to undertake a piece of work that we cannot condone and also will not be able to assess. Please come and have a chat, Regards. Harold"

I definetly have a soft spot for my Lecturer Harold, he has been a saviour for me over the last few years and helpped me develop as a person and with my art. There are no words i could put here that would express his wonderful personality. So i went and found him, turns out that health and safety had put a big clamp down on the university. Meaning we were being watched and after lots of joking and chatting i realised that it wasnt just my health and my grade that was on the line – but also Harolds job. That was something that i would never be willing to risk, so i accepted that while in university there are some art practices that would not be condoned.

The performance piece had included, or may have included, a blade… which was intended to cut my skin IF the performance had developed that way. I dont like to plan my pieces from start to finish, just have the options there. But it was a piece of work based on the personal and what we physically have of our body that is purely our own. My thoughts have been in all seriousness that i cannot find an inch of my skin that is not seen or touched by another person. Which disturbs me slightly. Anyway, the performance was stopped and i changed it around so that i could continue tomorrow afternoon – the representation of action can be stronger than the actual action…. or so they say. We'll see.


University is now back in full swing. Or at least it should be… theres been a problem with the ventilation in our casting workshops. Which has put my work on hold, in a big way. But being a 'multi-media' Artist, i just feel encouraged to use different mediums until the workshops are open again.

We were given this week to decide and build our individual working areas over two studios, the third has been allocated to the first years drawing workshops, which they will use for space afterwards. Im extremely happy with my space this year, the studio im in has an installation room connected. And yes, ive already put my name down, i have the room from 06/10/08 until 10/10/08. Have a plan for a semi performance – semi installation piece.

I was meant to hand in a statement of intent yesturday, i havent been able to create one yet. The medication im having to take at the moment is an emotion blocker, which is not ideal. Ive stopped taking them for a few days before my performance to hopefully get a more emotional / human final product. I have the research, planning, concept and development all in place for the work…. but emotionally and mentally im unsure about whether or not i am going in the 'right' direction. A constant struggle i have is my art's worthyness.

Maybe i need to force myself into being a cocky and strong willed Artist. Or just create and let the masses decide.


A Brief Few Words.

University has not started up yet, the 26th is the first day back (im pretty sure). However, i will be in Morrocco at the time – but my lecturers know. They are used to it now, the last two years i have not started alongside everyone else, im a hard person to keep tied down (i like my adventures too much). Morrocco is a recreational trip this time, but i am going with a fellow student who is currently researching "the mark" she looks at tagging and graffiti in all senses of the words. I mention this because there are some cave drawings in the mountains close to where we are staying.

Anyway, more about the last 3 years. "3 years?" i hear you say. My first two years were full time, and after a personal tragedy late January 2007 i was given the option by my course director to go part time for my final year (turning it into two years).

The last year has been extremely difficult, and in all honesty my work came to a hault. Over the last year i managed to complete my dissertation, which i extremely enjoyed! Resulting in a 1:1, that i am very proud of. (i will post a breif about the dissertation topic after my travels).

However, a huge plus… this year (my final year) is all about art and only art! I am filled with such hunger and excitment, the idea of purely researching, developing and creating practically and mentally – its a thrill.

Theres another element lurking too, the fact that for the last three years i have worked and developed alongside a group of 30 people, that i grew to know. I am now with a new year group i have spent no time with at all. It is interesting, will i be allienated? Will i find them to be working along the same lines as me, or entirely different because their experiences together are not the same as mine?

Plus, due to my dissertation being complete, these first few months of term i will be left with "spare" time. So im hoping to get some reviews of art exhibitions posted on my other blog and im currently thinking about my external element, maybe a written article. I must add, this is all thanks to my dissertation. During the process of interviews, research and gallery visits a pleasure in writting was produced…

…but no need to worry, i will always adore physically creating work! :)