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Here is a statement from Hannah Brown, the Swansea based artist that i will be working with over the next few months.

"My work has two main driving forces: My deep concern for current environmental issues and the notion of self in relation to place. Much of my work is site specific and engages with a wide variety of media and processes. The work directs the medium and approach and there is always a performative aspect to my practice. I have a different relationship with each site I work on, and am dealing with a number of different issues that affect each particular place. Through my work I try to shift perceptions to focus on the human impact on our contemporary environment.

Focusing on environmental issues; the majority of my work is sight specific in which I am responding to issues that are affecting a particular sight and place.

Through my work I also confront personal issues when responding to a sight that holds a particular reverence to me, be this the loss of a childhood playing fields to yet another housing estate or life in rural villages.

I work within a variety of medias as different sights and messages may be better conveyed with a different approach, although there is always an air of performance as I am physically working with and in the sight and often try to change the sight for the better through my work.

Through my work I aim not only to change a sight for the better but to also show and maybe heighten these issues to an audience in the hope of inciting a change in there way of thinking. My work in the gallery takes the form of installations combining sculpture, text, videos and photos. For me art is a way of responding to a subject that I deeply care about through something I love."

I am really excited about working together in the new year. I need to get my research-skates on!

These are just a few images of Hannah Browns work, i dont really have a lot of information on them. Next time i meet up with her i will get some details and put them up here.

Hope you enjoy them as much as i do, i love the playfulness in "Taking it back" and "oh i do like to be beside the seaside".