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I finally had my Big Crit on Tuesday, im glad to have done it and i am really happy about the responses i got.

Preparing for the Crit made me think about my whole time at university, and how the final exhibition needs to be me at my best, it needs to show how ive developed over my degree, and it must (MUST) show how ive pushed the ideas since my external examiner visited!

Ive been fighting it for a long time, but i guess… right now, at this exact time…. i am a video-based installation artist. Maybe not always installation, but majoritly video!

I've been so caught up in producing something thats not video-based for my final year exhibition. To prove to everyone that i dont just use video. But thats not what the degree show is about – of course i can do other things, work in other mediums – instead its about showing how my art has developed.

So, im throwing the towel in. I am exhibiting a video show reel, a video projection and a performance/video installation. Maybe. For now anyway. I don't know why im so unsure, i feel that my video sculptures are strong pieces of art. I think i am getting to a place where i am ready to keep moving forward. Whereas at the moment i feel that i need to stay in my current element pushing the edges just the tinyest bit further. If i wonder too far my body of art would seem confused and un-related, so for the sake of jumping-through-hoops i will stand by my work and put all my efforts into developing them just that smidge more.


Most of my work has an element of performance in, but ive never actually performed! First time ever, i will be performing within my art – in a 12 hour long performance – overnight, in one of the local gallery windows. I am in the middle of confirming details with Elysium, and they appear positive.

I am extremely nervous about the idea, gotta try everything once though, right?