The Storey of the Wise King, The Best Castle Builder and the Magician (cont.)

‘This is indeed the best magic we have ever ever seen, but: Can we have the magic a little rounder or may be a bit less square, to really make it even better?’ Yes this is possible replied the magician. So the day came for the magician to present the new rounder and less square magic to the Kings representatives and the Castle Builder.

‘This is indeed the best magic we have ever ever seen’, and it was agreed the castle builder would pay the magician handsomely for his ideas and papers would be drawn up to enable a fair exchange of money for magic. The castle builder would employ the best bricklayers and road makers to help the magician in any way he desired.

Now when the magician read the written conditions he was expected to abide by to deliver his magic he was confused, as he was to agree the ideas for his spells and magic no longer belonged to him. He was also asked to guarantee that the magic would never ever turn to bite the new residents of the new extension and therefore heap trouble and worry on the Castle Builder and worse the King. The magician wanted to change the wording on the letter. The Castle Builder was so pleased with the magic and said not to worry there was ways to solve these issues and please lets move on as if the agreement had been signed. He paid the magician an initial payment for his work.


The Storey of the Wise King, The Best Castle Builder and the Magician.

Once upon a time in a land far far away there lived a wise king. He wanted to build an extension onto his castle for the arrival of new people wanting to live and enjoy a good life in his happy kingdom.

So the wise King appointed the best Castle Builder in all the land, to build the most magnificent extension for his new subjects.

Now, in turn the best Castle Builder decided to appoint the best magician in all the land to help make this new extension better by far. The magician was asked to present his ideas as to what kind of magic could be incorporated into the new extension.

The magician worked hard on new spells and the day came to show the Kings representatives and the best Castle Builder these new magic tricks which would enchant the lives of the king’s new subjects.

‘This is indeed the best magic we have ever seen, but: Can we have a little more green in the magic to really make it even better?’ Yes this is possible replied the magician. So the day came for the magician to present the new greener magic to the Kings representatives and the Castle Builder.



If anyone reads the intro to this blog, then reads the blog they must think…….what is this random stuff……does not join up at all?

The reason is things haven’t quite unfolded as I thought they would. It must be something like 7-8 months ago I agreed to do this commission and still I am unable to start. So the random stuff is just random stuf while things unclog!

I am working on completley different projects and this job has become a time bomb that I dont know when it will go off?

I have also reduced artistic aspirations for some aspects of this job in the hope of easing it past the blockage to no avail. The main contractor will leave the site soon and it is impossible that the essential inferstucture is left unbuilt so any day I’m expecting the call saying ‘scramble’ lets get this off the ground quick quick, but untill that day its gonna be random OK.



I took part as a panelist on an online Q&A’s thing today http://bit.ly/vxPq11

And the nature of this event makes you feel like your suposed to know the answers to the questions. I read about people trying to establish themselves in the art world and I read about them on here as well. I hear stories of things not going well and ‘getting proper jobs’ etc.

All I can say is sincerity will win through. Does the sun rise in the morning? Am I an artist is the same question. Through thick and thin you are trying your best to make work and allways get paid for it.

I realised at one point that my ambition was not Warhol or Emminesque status where money and recognition were the goal. Sustaining a practice and allways working is I realise now a total privalidge.

To do this you need a support network and that includes wives, husbands and trusted partners, friends and contacts. Surround yourself with good people and construct yourself into a sustainable position and keep swimming never stop, may be slow down sometimes, but never stop.


Pawn and Rook

Tommorow I hope to work on my Red Indians. I shall be a Rook for a day. Setting my own agenda and I guess leading up to what will eventually be a game of cowboys and indians, or prehaps just a game of Indians?

On Friday I will be a pawn. A free one though! Starting on a journey to find meaning in history. This will be a very visable journey provided as if through a social service. I think the target is the same on both days, just that which bit of history and the methods of delivery are completly different.