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The Final Word

So the final word is completed, which means grouting. This is a very messy job but essential. Then when I come back from taking down my work in Bath I better start organising part2 of this project and get the Taliesin Stone delivered to site.

The other thing I aught to do is credit the author of the poem. Gwyneth Lewis who was commissioned specially to write 2 poems for the site at…

Strata Florida…….

Soil is the dead

Of all ages. Pass

Through this door

Into Christ, the expanding

Universe. Dimension:

Wonder. Uplands bare,

Riches below. Through

This door, be proud

As a blackbird,

Where the humble fern

Blossomed to stone,

Then back again. This

Door. Find your own elsewhere.

Now. The future. Then. Then now.

By Gwyneth Lewis (the first Welsh Natational Poet).


It’s not really the final word at all, as I have to complete the second poem in Welsh no less. On site as well! Not a job that can be done in the cooler. That means a least a couple of weeks in the ruined abbey in the middle of the Welsh nowhere.