Blog written 26th June 2007 from Roundstone on the mainland
So now I am writing fom the rocks to the edge of shell beach looking across the sea toward Inishlacken. I can see the beach, the schoolhouse, Finklater’s cottage, the harbour and Deer Island beyond.
How do I feel? A little sad yet full of resolve to learn from my experience and determined to try to keep a little of Inishlacken with me wherever I am. I would like to be able to reproduce the feeling of total immersion in my work and the thinking processes that lead to ideas and making. Of course I have made resolutions like this before after period of intense activity (with varied success) but this time will be DIFFERENT! I have reached some decisions however, and having had uninterrupted time to consider I feel very secure in them. So here goes…..

I am not going to make an application to do a PhD for at least a couple more years
I intend to make more applications to do more residencies now that the children are older and I can actually get away
I am going to market my work more aggressively, being less timid and fussy and allowing work in progress, failures and, you never know, successes to be seen.
I am going to do more walking
I will spend more time looking
I will spend more time drawing
I will read more – and instead of buying tomes through amazon on visual communication or philosophy (and then never quite finishing them) I will read a variety of things, novels, poetry, essays, etc.

There, I have now written this down for all to see and so it is a bit of a statement, a weight watchers/alcoholics anonymous declaration. I am not sure how long I will keep this blog live but I guess my final item on the list should be to return to this text and re-read it to strengthen my resolve.
Flying home tomorrow. The next entry will be from England and back in blog realtime.