Since my last post the ghostly apparitions are beginning to take shape. In all their different shadowy guises they have come to adopt their own character and life. Meantime my thoughts about how they might manifest in the Redhouse proposal continue to develop.

Have been asked by Anthony Roberts (from Colchester Arts Centre) to work up a proposal for an event at The Junction in Cambridge. I am mulling over a fairly resolved piece that takes place in a corporate environment and a new idea that would be ideally suited to a theatre. The latter would use the facilities at The Junction and it is not often I get the chance to work on the stage in the literal sense. Have to have things finalised by Friday so a racing mind of ideas is competing with my teaching and a consultancy job I am doing at the moment. Juggling everything is tricky – the need to keep the wolf from the door whilst retaining enough mental space to allow ideas the space and the incubation time they need is always a delicate balance. Its also about my own integrity and only allowing myself to show work that is complete and resolved. I often wish I could be back studying on an MA like my students since the framework is there for you affording the space time and more importantly the critical feedback that is so hard to find outside art schools.