I was going to report back about the meeting but it was postponed to the 6th of May so I have no new info on the event.

On a personal level I am in love with spectra jell. I found an old tin, must have been from my collage days…..makes the tin 20 years old! And remarkably the contents were still ok. I like what it does to the paint and the way it handles. I will just have to watch I don’t over do it and ruin the paintings I am working on. I have also been looking at where to go next with the snail theme and how to develop things. It’s definitely about direction as I have said before, and about the trails, and the spirals of the shells. I have been playing with these elements in shells, photos and sketches but am at the moment a little unclear how to progress with the next paintings.


Well more time passes and I think I am making some progress. I can’t beat myself up about how much I am doing. I am doing what I can, when I can.

I have a new snail lino print that is looking promising I took some prints off, but need to cut away a little more to balance things up a bit. I also have a new snail painting on the go that touch wood is going quite well. I did a similar one last year that didn’t really come out how I wanted but this one is looking much more like it……whatever it is? I think it’s about direction they have to look like they are going somewhere it’s what interested me.

I collected some empty shells the other week and tried to paint them it didn’t work I need the snail in there I think…..I was quite worried my little muses had gone. I couldn’t find any in the garden for a while …must have been hiding from the bad weather. I saw some the other day and was much relived. What sort of gardener have I become!

The next Artist’s open studio trail meeting is next Tuesday and I am looking forward to seeing what the next step in the planning is, and meeting some more of the Artists. I will report back next week.