Viewing single post of blog The Snail and the Artist’s Trail

Not long now! I have to hand in for the exhibition tonight, its gona be an old fruit oil…I think, well I don’t think I can change my mind as Mike is working late and I won’t get the chance to get anything else ready. I am a bit nervous I asked a lot of people to the last opening and not many turned up this time I asked more and I think everyone is coming.

As for the house stuff I have started getting ready to hang my Snail Room. I have been painting edges and tiding up a few things, if the edges are dry enough I will start to hang properly this weekend. I am also going to put a few misc bits in the hall and will have the rest of my work to browse in my loft studio (must remember to make some mind your head posters!)

I have started three new canvases that I of course don’t have a hope of finishing but I think people will be interested to see work in progress. Two of the pieces I am very excited about because they are the beginning of a new theme of earth angels….I think this may be another blog as I suppose this one will be coming to an end soon.