The one necessary thing: A person must have one or the other: either a disposition that is easygoing by nature, or else a disposition eased by art and knowledge. Fredrich Nietzsche

Misericord at Space Station 65 is showing the artists Jay Cloth & Cathie Pilkington & Susan Hiller is at Tate Britain. They are both very good & interesting shows. Both in some way dealing with slightly odd macabre hidden worlds. Listening to Susan Hillers piece witness, knowing it was stories about ufo’s and hearing this constant babble I couldn’t help feeling consumed and fascinated by the madness of the world. Interestingly they both had a piece about levitation. Cathie Pilkington has made a fabulous sculpture called levitating doll and Susan Hiller’s piece Levitations: Homage to Yves Klein 2008 was inspired by the iconic photograph of Klein (1928-1962) apparently suspended in mid air, Leap in to the Void 1960.

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