Yes, it seems I have neglected my blogging duties over the past few weeks…Not taht I have been absent from doing work of course!

I’ve been to Nottingham to visit the British Art Show Nottingham 7, which I was very enjoyable, it was good to get out in to the real world of real artists, as opposed to being stuck with my art in my head, I find I tend to get a little myopic if this happens over a length of time!

One artist at Nottingham who struck me with her work was Karla Black, in particularly her piece titled “There can be no arguments”, this consisted of a sheet of thin plastic sheeting to which she had applied a pink tinged chalky surface treatment to. From what I could make out it was made up of plaster powder and powdered paint, this was then suspended from the ceiling with cotton thread, twisting and stretched to form some interesting shapes. I like the way suspended art works occupy the space around them.

So, back to my practical work, refreshes and inspired. The work I have been doing has come to some resolutions over the past week or two. It will consist of pape mache face casts which are incorporated in to the thin muslin cloth, suspended and repeated on approximately 8-12 figures. Further experiments with string to suggest the shape of a figure have been tried quiet successfully, so I might carry on experimenting with this material.

I have tried wrapping two thickness of string around wire to form strange and interesting shapes, I am hoping to expand this work into something I can use as a sculpture in its own right. In fact this morning I have been casting some plaster blocks and cylinders to see how the string sculptures can work with them…