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I had earmarked today as a reading day but with the temptation of the face mask sitting on the side in the kitchen waiting to be de-moulded, guess what option won? Yes, the face mask…so after my trip into Uni yesterday I came home with the face in a block of mould-max, it was torture to be honest as I couldn’t unearth it last night, had to wait until today to give the mould-max chance to set! I am very impatient with this sort of thing, so I did very well not to fiddle with it too soon.

It came away beautifully, a nice mould, I was a little worried as there were a lot of air bubbles on the surface of the mould but, no need, I like this material much better than vinamould,

A. because it doesn’t need heating up and melting and B. it is a much finer texture and picks up details brilliantly. The down side is it price ( still waiting to find out from Rob exactly how much it will cost me).

So, there I am at home, no plaster to use as I forgot to buy some yesterday, scouring the house for something to pour into the mould. A candle caught my eye! yes I’ll melt it down and pour into the mould to test it out.This lead me to wondering what I could do with the wax to make it more interesting, as I was cleaning the fluff out of the dryer I thought ok, I could mix this into the wax! I gave the mould a layer of vaseline to prevent the wax sticking, the only vaseline I had to hand had a pink tint to it, so I had a layer of pinkish grease to incorporate with the wax and fluff!

All went in, I created a shell with the wax by manipulating it around the mould as it set…after giving it ten minutes or so to set I started the very satisfying process of peeling it out of the mould. Hmmm it looked interesting, the fluff and the pink vaseline gave it a mottled pinkish apearence…sligthly fleshy. I carried on and splattered blue nail varnish over one of the other rejected originals. Also, did some work in my studio working on some drawings of faces, quiet like the “two face” on the plaster block…interesting. I’ll take them all in to University on Thursday, start filling up my space with work.