My first attempts at the ‘twining’ basketry technique where two ‘weavers’ are crossed over eachother (twisted) as they are woven through the ‘spokes’ (if I have the correct term?).  I can’t help but think of them as warp and weft; the warp being the material in which you weave the weft into the build your structure.  Here I am working with white paper yarn which has a lovely stiff yet pliable substance to it.

These tests are mini as I only have so much space in my studio. However saying that I do hope to construct some full sized pieces. As I do love a basket!


I must be honest I had not heard of a knitting dolly until I was recently given one. I think it is a great little no-fuss, simple, tool.  Mine reminds me of a smily chess piece. I began a little exploration using various yarns including linen, paper, and cotton.  As these materials have little elasticity the process was a little slower. The more open, imperfect outcomes have potential .

There are possibilites to create a “yarn” using this process which I could then weave with…..? The idea is clearly possible however the knack would be in getting the two processes to complement each other well, and the French knitted yarn not looking like an out of place add-on to the weaving.