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Austmarka  |  3 degrees   |  fog

before getting up
there was the world of
Norwegian writer
(Karl Ove Knausgaard)
exact, descriptive
he is moved
by Constable’s sketches of clouds
and fears his responses
to art
are not appropriate
reckoning the emotional
is frowned upon, dismissed
in contemporary art
it’s possibly true
am thinking –
isn’t it possible
to be moved by the rational-
a complex sum
an engineering diagram ?
to recognise impartiality
as being shaped by context ?
to experience something
theoretical happening in front of us?
the distinctions
are less compelling
than the muddle
in between
but nothing new here I guess…

too much thinking
before breakfast ….
am first up
breakfast taken
with BBC news
skimming stories
Obama on Turkish air strikes
at home Osbourne ensures
we mainline austerity
as his chums fill their pockets
but back to tea and toast
it’s maybe a 1 sweater day
noticeably warmer
but damp and drear

head out
for milk
some appealing
green pickle stuff
quickly coated with mist
follow main road
feels like dusk
is not yet midday
past the old
raw red timber mill
a four-square yellow house
a long low school
no fences or barriers
things just peter out
a white wooden church
with moss coloured spire
doors wide open
lights shine brightly
from within
rough hewn squares and rectangles
of granite and stone
lean against a low wall
ahead a map on a post
points me back

afternoon closes in
on the ample studio
the washing machine
floods the floor
back to the video editing
fussy and fiddly
menus, tools and drop-downs
guided by a tutorial
by someone who ends every instruction
with ‘there you go guys’
not getting very far
editing is quite boring
am not patient
test out the mini projector
laptop to projector
connection doesn’t work
SD card does work
but slow
project onto small white sheet
results negligible

over a meal the Norwegian artist
tells of her travels
around the world
getting inspired by new places
about public art in Norway
making work in well-designed
schools + hosptials,
in an old people’s home
a concert hall
in a police station even

can you imagine the
Daily Mail headlines ?
£xx million
spent on art
for criminals, the sick, elderly + children !