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A truly exciting two days on the object front! Yesterday I finally caught up with a contact who had been keeping some genuine 1930s glasses for me, and I was able to take them with me to the studio today.

They are more like the ones Felicia wore (as seen in photographs) than a previous pair I had managed to find during the research phase of the project. I’ll still use the older pair – as they fit a description of Felicia’s glasses by a fellow student at the Slade. The new pair are a wonderful addition and broaden what I can achieve in the final hang.

In the afternoon I got notice that a parcel had arrived. This was more exciting than I can say, AND I can’t reveal yet what this object – shipped from the US – is. I’m determined not to show the larger panels and their objects too soon. But it’s taking all the self-discipline I have! It’s for the 5th (additional) panel, which focuses on Felicia’s road trip to Spain. That’s all I can say – other than it is PERFECT!

So back to the glasses. The image above shows how they could be used with the final panel – here attached to the smaller painted sketch.

I’m delighted with them and can already see that they can even be worked on to enhance the layers of meaning I’m trying to incorporate in the work.