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To be without a space

Satellite has never had a physical space, we move around spaces for studio visits, meetings and we work with different partners/venues when planning and running our in conversation events. As we are based in disparate geographical locations managing a physical space would be impossible and in fact we see it as a strength of the group that we operate without one.

I was collecting work from APT gallery in Deptford today and took the opportunity to look at Core Gallery which is almost next door. Their gallery is the corridor between the individual studios and Caroline Lambard had installed a series of three dimensional cubes in the space which worked beautifully with the roof structures of the building www.calcaro.com I liked how the work asked something of the space. The in conversations thus far have been like cafe salon affairs and i wonder if this may develop in our next project to ask more of the space itself (which ever space that is) the location and how people get there.

The journey home was hot (it being the hottest day of the year in London thus far) and a traffic jam to the Blackwall Tunnel resulted in us crawling along for a good while. Did get a good chance to look at the familiar beauty of the gas tower, now a redundant space, empty yet full of potential.

Nicola Naismith