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I’ve been trawling the internet for diffferent maps of the Incident area, partly as it was difficult for me to get bearings whilst wandering around the forest (I forgot I had a compass in my kit). Lots and lots of rows of trees. One thing I came across was ” Is the Rendlesham Forest Incident Happy?” from this fairly well-known site: www.jonbounds.co.uk/isbrumhappy by Jon Bounds. I tried it last week or so and was dispirited as the Incident came up as “AWFUL”.

Emotional Wellbeing for Rendlesham Forest incident on: Tuesday 27th of September 2011 22:57: 0 % (awful)

Today, as you can see below, is much better. Better for whom though?

Emotional Wellbeing for Rendlesham Forest incident on: Tuesday 4th of October 2011 23:02: 61.3 % (okay) spirit

Sad to Happy: 7 (out of 10)

Asleep to Awake: 5.56 (out of 10)
Out of Control to In Control: 5.82 (out of 10)

*The script read the 100 latest Tweets from within a 1 mile radius of Rendlesham Forest incident and rated the words against a database. Concept & site by Jon Bounds.

Dominique Rey