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We are delighted to let you know that your application for an a-n Travel bursary has been successful. You will receive your offer letter shortly attached in a separate email. Please read the terms of the offer and complete the details on the form, sign the offer and return directly to myself (saved as a word file with your name first in the file name) by Fri 10 March.

I saw Stuart Edmundson at an event at The Harris and recalled him speaking at The International 3 (a contemporary art gallery in Manchester) about a residency he had done in Dresden. Boom! He emails me a couple of emails; I email the emails; the emails email back!

Tina has now moved to Berlin but gives me details of an artist led studio, which is also the one in the back of the book that Ben (from The Birley studios bought recently whilst visiting artist led studios in Birmingham) leant me about artist led studios called Artist-Run Europe Practice/Projects/Spaces. She says if I go to Berlin we should meet. What’s ‘of course’ in German. Daniel emails and asks what I mean “artist-led studios”[1].

I look at his website and see work which is both M art in Creed and M art in Hamblen.

I feel a Peppard plan coming together.

[1] See Hypothesis…to be written

Supported by a bursary from a-n The Artist Information Company.