Thoughts on yesterdays group crit. … emotionally, intellectually draining…. actually quite scary at times….probing questions by tutors elliciting really surprising, illuminating revelations…. Suppose that’s what it was meant to do??? It succeeded !!

Ultimately very useful. My many varied attempts to free myself and move on from a lifetimes ingrained habits of observational drawing; stilted academic, figurative painting were analysed and taken apart.

I think, subconsciously, I had begun to come to similar conclusions The validation of these thoughts was what was needed to encourage confidence and bravery to take more chances. There’ll be no going back now – I can’t spare the time.

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Back after 2 days in Liverpool. Guided tour of the Turner Monet Twombly show at the Tate, shed fascinating light on Twomblys life and art. The paintings resonated even more on this 2nd viewing.

The John Moore prize at The Walker gallery – another eye- popping experience. Previous winners Hockney, Gillian Ayres, Bratby, Hodgekin, Doig etc. all leapt off the walls at me –

Started a painting today based on childhood memories. Other students commented on what they saw in this. Some came close to the reality while others saw a competely different scenario. But that doesn’t matter. The fact that they saw anything is what counts for me. An indication that the paintings are becoming more intense and communicating more than just a pictorial image perhaps.



Alec’s nearly finished making 2 huge canvases for me. Bought an ipad – technology dominates my life with it’s complexity and promise of such magic at the same time.

Realised talking to Marcella the reason why I love swimming.

The resistence of the water slows me down ; slows down my thinking; repetative action through the water soothes me into a zen state and leads to eureka moments in my head . Water really is an essential for me.

Helps me to realise that I must concentrate on what can be controlled; my dissertation notes and studio practice.

Have a nagging thought connected with my dissertation of ‘the closing door’ (Kenneth Clarkes quote) of time running out. Must find time to edit the video clips I’ve been accumulating.

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VERY, very briefly – Success !! Managed to delete the extra picture on my first blog!! Sorry to be so boring, but each step forward technologically speaking, gives me such a thrill. OK,Iknow, I should get a life.

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