Taking stock of what I might put in to my assessment. At last I’m starting to understand ‘abstraction’. Left it a bit late but still just time I think.

As the computer suite will be locked for the Bank Holiday, decided to bring some paint home and start a self-portrait and rework a couple of paintings. At last it’s warm enough to work in my studio in the garden.

Have been rereading Water and Art by David Clarke. 2010 Reaktion Books Ltd. London It means so much more to me now than on the first reading last year. Researching my dissertation changed my understanding of ‘artspeak’ . .Particularly liked ….

‘one begins to feel that the wateriness of medium and the wateriness of subject are starting to contaminate one another – one becomes aware of a double wateriness to the image but at the same time finds that it has become hard to think of these two senses of water separately’ ( Clarke : 46 )


Well I’ve now adjusted 2 paintings and also made a new one – an underwater self-portrait. This one is planned to be hung at the entrance to the installation which in itself is a kind of self-portrait of how I feel about water and life.