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I’ve spent ages making videos. Am becoming addicted. Still can’t work out how to add a video to my blog…really annoying!!!


The painting here has been left for ages and then last week I suddenly felt I knew how to complete it. Can’t really explain but I think it’s finished now.


I have a 50 – 70 minute drive to uni .. depends on the traffic. It’s a good space in which to think.

I often find my thoughts drift to my brother.. I wonder what he’d make of me nearing the end of my degree. He promised to come to my Degree Show. I hear his voice, know what he’d be saying and it brings tears to my eyes.

I’m so excited by what I’m doing at the moment.

When you’re young there are so many concerns, distractions. Falling in love, relationships, children, parents. How often you hear people, especially women saying, ‘that their children are their greatest achievement’ And so often, they are. My own children are my greatest joy. But they have their own lives, their own agendas;It’s important to avoid living vicariously through them – a trap so many people fall into. You never stop worrying about them or loving them unconditionally but at some stage you have to let go and to live your own life to the full. You don’t get a second chance.

I think it’s taken me till 2010 to be able to truly do this. Some people never even reach this stage. Others get there much too soon; which is far worse !

This has been one of my random thoughts this week. Discovering that I can make a video has been amazing. The sky’s the limit now. Next I’m going to master the paintings which are living in my head. I’m going to leave a legacy…. just as I discussed in my dissertation about ‘late phase art’. Why not ????