Stained Glass Windows have held a facination for me since I was a child.

The windows In these Images are traditional as well as contempoary. This lead me on to the Idea of creating my own out of drawing and collage.


The day of four popes, and two new saints.

I found this work titled Sanctae by artist Lone Rucquoi. They are portraits of secular saints part of a photographic Installation using female nudes,friends ,neighbours, real women using historical and religious symbols and signs. The artist aims to make saints of the ordinary by exploring emotions, expectations and sacrifices of the female bodys potential to give life creating a space of challenging reflections and revelations about the contempoary womanhood.

I liked this work, well I think “women are naturally saints”


I was thinking about peformance artists such as Franko B, Ron Athay and Ana Mendieta, and how they use their own bodies in almost a ritulistic sense.

I guess I was relating this to my project, thinking of my project character and the performance of breast binding to disguise the fact she is a female and the self punishment she Inflicts on her own body, because of guilt (maybe)!!

In some of the performances peformed by these artists they act as if the viewer is almost Intruding into shamantic ritual.

Shamanism is accociated with women, bloodletting during menstruation is believed to be an Important part of walking with spirits.

The letting of blood is seen as ‘unclean’ The mythology probally originated in the old Testament.

“She is to be put apart for her uncleanness” for seven days” (Lev.18;19)

“Any man who lies with her during this time is also unclean for seven days, anyone who touches her is unclean till the evening, and every thing she sitteth upon shall be unclean” (Lev.15:19-24).!!!!!!


This Image is my response to The Procession of silence, and the anoymity for those looking to pay penance. I was thinking about my project , and thinking along the lines of women taking on the guise of men hiding behind the red hoods- although not being part of the brotherhood, who knows whos really behind the disguise ?