Today Micheal Landy gave a talk at our university, I particually liked his talk on his most recent work Saints Alive, probably because it resonated with my project. He talked about what his Inspirations were for this particular project, to which I am finding my research on religion and depravation have a similar vein. He also talked about plants, one in particular named Shepherds Purse, which put me in the mind of Pope Joan. She was known for healing the sick and had a great knowledge on healing plants, which in itself is an act of care and kindness.

He mentioned that the plant ‘Shepherds Purse’ it tends to grow on waste land and through the cracks of pavements, I guess it survives in the toughest of situations, like people with a bit of care and kindness even in the most difficult circumstances some times they may just survive too.


Marina Abramovic

Her work reflects the relationship between performer and audience, the limits of the body, and possibilites of the mind.

In this particular photograph it seems that there are christian references with the use of flaggelation and the use of the cross made of ice, and the use of honey and wine in this performance, some spectators may recognise this as a orthordox ritual,

It is Interesting that in her personal life, as a child her family dynamic seems to have been in termoil, her parents quarreled constantly, and Abramovic was beaten constantally by her dispilarian mother, because she felt that she was showing off.

The Brother of her Grandfather was the patriach of the orthordox church and revered as a saint. So everything about her childhood is about sacrafice, religion or communisium.

The purpose of performing these rituals is to ask for forgiveness for the sins commited over the year for ones self and family- a type of penitence.


Some members of strict monastic orders and some members of the catholic lay organiazion ” opus dei”, practice mild flagellation using an instrument called “discipline” a cattail whip usally made of knotted cords, which is flung over the shoulders repeatedly during private prayer, Pope John Paul 11 allegedly took the disiclipine regually.

Mother Teresa is also among famous catholics who self-flagellated.

Criticism of Opus dei has centered on allegations of secretiveness, controversal recruting methods, strict rules goverining members, eletism and support of or partiticipation in authoritarian or right wing governments ,especially the Francoist government of spain until 1978. The mortification of the flesh practiced by some of its members is also critized within the catholic church, opus dei is also critized for allegedly seeking independence and more Influence.

Some Christian ascetics believe that the apostle Paul taught aseticism in the New Testament.

The Apostle Paul said in Romans 8:13 “If you live after the flesh, you shall die, but If through the sprit you mortify the deeds of the flesh, you shall live”.

The Catholics believe that this means that mortification or self Inflicted acts of pain will end the disease of the soul.


This is a bit fun, when I came across this, the song Bad Romance by Lady Ga Ga , although it’s sung in a different language, the song title resonated with poor pope joan!! Apparently they are real monks. Well it made me laugh.


During my research I have come across a book by Umberto Eco Art and Beauty in the middle ages, to which I found an amusing quote by Gilbert of Hoylands sermones in canticum salomonis, on details of femine beauty;

“The breasts are most pleasing when they are of moderate size and eminence…. they should be bound but not flattened, restrained with gentleness but not given too much licence.”

The same Gilbert of Hoyland who had such definite opinions on women’s breasts, advised his monks to practice restraint, much as woman restrain their breasts!!

Gilbert of Hoyland(11?-1172) was the 12th century abbot of Swinehead Abbey.

Back to the print room for me, here are some images !