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Well, preparations are in progress for the Underlined Project exhibition and open-evening next Thursday, 29th March 4-7pm. Jon’s expertise at framing up work, sorting out hanging systems and advice has been fantastic, publicity is in process…. But just before I get too excited and launch into a blog about the preparations and plans, I thought it was timely to do some fact-finding tours of local exhibitions:

Under East Wind – Harriet Tarlo and Judith Tucker, Linda Ingham and David Power (Ropewalk Gallery)

This exhibition brings together the work of four artists exploring different aspects of landscape in north-east Lincolnshire. What made the biggest impact for me was how the curation brought together so many different modes of communication – text, poetry and drawing; an interactive space, sound, film, and paint/mixed media work.

The poetic texts and drawn works were a collaborative project between Harriet Tarlo and Judith Tucker, and worked very well together visually. Framed in matching white, the text and drawings alternated along the left wall, with smaller works on the right wall grouped together. The sum of the whole collection had much more impact than any one part of it, although each part could have been displayed alone.

The sound from David Power and Linda Ingham’s collaborative piece added cohesion to the different works displayed, although the video was less imposing and took more time to engage with.

The highlight for me in this exhibition was Linda Ingham’s twelve small panels, and her framed mixed media pieces. These combined an interesting variety of marks, line, techniques and texture.

Sacred & Profane – Sally Beaumont (Ropewalk Gallery)

Sally’s etchings and lithographic prints collage together diverse images and inspirations. What stood out for me was how her curation had unified the different themes of the prints, sets were grouped together using mount or frame colour, size and shape which made for a  striking exhibition space.

Endlessness, by Liz Nicol, Brodrick Gallery, HSAD, Hull

Photographer Liz Nicol presents her photographic  work from a research project titled ‘Remember Me. The Changing Face of Memorialisation’. By far my favourite examples of her work were the cyanotype prints created by Liz exposing photosensitive paper placed in trees during a residency in Cyprus. The light and movement implicit in the photographic trace is really beautiful.  Check out how she made these on her website: www.liznicol.co.uk

So, no more excuses, it’s back to work on the underlined project open-evening and exhibition preparations… (more on that to follow!)

For more information on the artists and exhibitions do follow the links below:

Under East Wind – Harriet Tarlo and Judith Tucker, Linda Ingham and David Power (Ropewalk Gallery) 10 March – 22 April 2018

Sacred & Profane – Sally Beaumont (Ropewalk Gallery) 3 March – 15 April 2018

Endlessness, by Liz Nicol, Brodrick Gallery, HSAD, Hull