community arts - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

Gathering Materials

Within days of being told of the commission Ill be working on, I was invited to visit SAMS – The scrap arts materials store in Blackburn. I hadn’t even had the chance to get my head around what I was […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "New ways of seeing…"

Well today it’s being de-installed from Hull Central Library, so here’s a tour of the underlined project exhibition in pictures, complete with work from all the community workshop participants who took part…   Thanks to all who contributed work, and […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "New ways of seeing…"

Thanks so much to everyone who came along to the underlined project open-evening on Thursday – it was great to see you all, thanks too to all the participants in the project and those who have helped in so many […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "New ways of seeing…"

I’ve just been sorting some final preparations and materials for tonight’s underlined project open evening and exhibition opening, 4-7pm @ Central Library Hull. Whilst planning the activity and community art-wall I’ve been thinking about how we celebrate the fact that […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "New ways of seeing…"

Preparations are well underway for the underlined project open evening and exhibition of participants work! please do print or share this poster/flyer with your networks & social media – it would be great to see as many folk there as possible all […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "New ways of seeing…"

Well despite the David Shrigley Rabbit above, drawing at the underlined project workshop last Thursday evening was not at all scary…! Collaborative drawings made between  groups of two or three people contributing to a single drawing revealed the different ‘grammar’ a […]

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Blog Post

‘Unexpected Engagement’ @ Artlink…

Jason Wilsher-Mills’ exhibition Unexpected Engagement marks the end of his year-long Square Peg residency at ArtLink Community Arts Centre.  Having met Jason at Hull’s Disability Arts Network (DAN) meetings last year, and hearing his passionate advocacy for the inclusion of […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "New ways of seeing…"

Delivering this week’s underlined project workshop at a Hull-based Memory Café was great fun, with some fantastic work produced and wide-ranging conversations. As a group, we shared experiences of time in Scotland, the efficacy of midge-repellents, what type of paper […]

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Blog Post

workshop prep…

I’ve had a busy morning cleaning scissors, collecting paper, preparing demo’s and getting everything sorted for the next underlined project workshop where memory café attendees will explore the subject of places through the use of collage. Demo collage I prepared […]

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Blog Post

‘Living as Form…”

I’ve recently been preparing materials for the next ‘underlined’ workshop, whilst also reading part of Nato Thompson’s Living as Form (Socially Engaged Art 1991-2011), an interesting book that wrestles with many of the topics also discussed at the Engage Conference 2017 […]

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Blog Post

unexpected connections…

[Jessie Davies, untitled, (2017)]   The next underlined project workshop will explore a sense of ‘place’. I’ve recently been investigating collage and mixed media in my own practice, and I’m busy preparing collage materials and resources for the forthcoming underlined workshop. Why? Because there […]

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Blog Post

As the ‘dust’ settles…

Speaking at the ENGAGE conference ‘fringe’ events, Lara Goodband is a freelance curator working with Invisible dust, an organisation that brings artists and scientists together on collaborative projects to promote environmental engagement. Lara and others, from Invisible dust, gave a […]

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Blog Post

co-creation in community arts

First day at the Engage international conference – stimulating discussion, talks and workshops… keywords for the day: co-creation co-production sustainability How do you make sure that community art is co-creation or co-production with the communities it is serving? One answer […]

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Blog Post

A question of Place

“If time is the dimension of change, then space is the dimension of coexisting difference. And that is both a source of nourishment (something that the globalisation gurus seem altogether to have foregone), and a challenge (how to negotiate difference, how […]

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Blog Post

Underlined project – arts for all

‘Art is your human right’ – a bold statement… This statement (the title of Bob and Roberta Smith’s 2015 show) – assuming we agree – begs another question: why is it that more of us adults don’t engage in regular art activities […]

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Jessie Davies
Blog Artist

New ways of seeing…

How does our community influence our art? And how can the arts impact a community? Some reflections from my involvement in Square Peg’s ‘Underlined’ community arts project, along with thoughts and events that provoke new ‘ways of seeing’

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Blog Post

Objects talking.

In a recent series of workshops in a community setting, I have been intrigued to observe many of my ideas about the importance and value of objects being not only confirmed but enriched and extended. My training and background in […]

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