2 new artists are now working in unit 11 studios! they are jess ross and caroline mcpherson – both well known to us as they were students with us at solent. both painters – so the walls are getting painty and the work is stacking up. it really looks like a work space now!

we had a “community art intervention” moment on saturday to have some fun with and through art in these dire and dreary economic and weatherly times! we did post a facebook event to ensure we had some people turn up, but it was mostly about inviting the general public of portswood to come and enjoy. at a demolition site on a busy junction there is a pink hoarding which has been beckoning me since its construction several months ago. we went down the road of no permissions and reversible artwork – thus were 103 (yes really, i’ll say it again ….. 103!) portswood people silhouetted on the pink hoarding – along with 2 dogs, 2 cars, 2 umbrellas, 2 bikes and other sundry articles. it was a day of joy and brilliance – all the unit 11 artists were flat out for 5 hours, the police only took a little schmoozing before they decided we were only enhancing and everyone was loving it. it looks brilliant in the day and at night, the cheap curling ribbon glints enticingly in the headlights giving a ghostly representation of the people. so beautiful.

next event is our opening event – afternoon tea at the studios. we are expecting a high turnout and will be baking accordingly!