Fine Art couse of which i am currently a level 6 student


A new Canvas

i have made a new canvas, this one is the same image which i used on one of my initial Etchings at the start of the year. i have made this Larger and also added the bible in the background. i have teastained around the angels and wahla i have my canvas (as seen in the image with this post)


final post about the zoetrope.

as the praxinoscope failed, i instead turned it into a zoetrope. This worked in the way that a zoetrope shows one image through the slits, however the imags which i used was too dark and the moving part of the image was too small to see. This meant that it worked however you could not see what was happening. Due to this and health and safety surrounding this piece, i will not be having it in my show.


What have I done recently?

well, I have painted my walls black, as seen from the previous post. also i have added compost around the edges which initially where going to be all over however i now have come around to the idea of having it as a kind of border, protecting the work and the angels on the floor around it. as the floor is painted the lilac colour to fit in with the rest of the degree show, it should hopefully be obvious where to stand. Also the lilac floor will reflect light around the room, helping to solve the issue of the room now being too dark.

I have placed all the angels on the floor as seen in the image attached to this post and also placed them into little scenarios. one of these scenarios is that two angels are standing behind a human who is crawling on the ground. This human will be facing towards the audience with its hand up, begging the audience for help.

Another angel will be sittin on a shelf, looking up and staring at the viewer while they look at the canvas on the wall, the aim of this is to un-ease the viewer.

There will also be an angel who will be on another shelf. this angel will have a string in his hand which will be attached to a noose which is hanging a person below him.

The other angels will be staring and facing the audience from different parts of the room.


Attached I have included an image of what my plan will be for the show layout.

This will be changed nearer the time knowing what im like, so for now this is the rough plan.


The ‘scientist’

The idea of making the etchings and prints of the scientist I have now thought about how I am going to do this. I have always looked at the hand drawn designs and preferred these to whatever the outcome of the next steps with these were. So due to preference I will redraw the designs onto better paper, and frame these, I will also use a colour pencil to add the other colour detail, which is generally next to the ink lines. Hopefully I will be happy with them when I am done.