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My ‘Angels’

Here attached I have put up an example of an angel who has been covered in the bible.

I like this effect it has, as when you see the angel to start with you cannot tell it is covered until you illuminate it closely with the lantern. the bible has smoothed the angels, and taken the imperfections which are seen in the ‘humans’. I will also taint these, the colour of tea to make them look a bit older, and also add something else to the figures. I like this colour as I have used it on my angel canvas that I have made in the past.

I have had to put these in the compost around the edges, this covers the feet a little bit but it keeps them safer from the audience as the compost works as a sort of barrier. Also I will able to move the soil about created an anchor for the angels to use to stand. Meaning that they will not fall over, something which happens when the soil is not there.