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An idea that never came to be..

I had an idea, several months ago for a photoshoot. This was to get seven different people to stand infront of some wings which I had painted on the wall. I was going to get people of all different backgrounds, some looking nice and innocent, with others looking quite nasty and quite intimmidating.

In the end I wanted to do the idea with just having people who looked intimidating, as the angels which are described are there to hurt people, so if they were real, I would safely assume that they would be intimidating to everyone.

This idea had came from a music video I had watched on television a few years ago, called ‘dont go’ by wretch 32 ft Josh Kumra (video attached on bottom) the image of the girl sitting in front of the graffiti wings is at 1:02 to 1:04 of the video.

This idea never happened, although I may still do something similar in the degree show. I am thinking that the last angel spray paint stencil I did, I will cut out the figure and then place it on the wall. Before I place it however, I will spray some styled wings on the wall for the image to sit on. At the moment this is an idea, but I am thinking that this will probably be used in the show, bearing in mind I can design some wings that I am happy enough to use.

I will spray these wings white, as to contrast with the black wall, I was planning on using greys as well however I think that the grey won’t be seen as it is in a pitch black room. Instead I will just try and attempt a detailed one layer stencil, maybe using two layers if it is a difficult stencil to cut.