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As I realise most the artists I have mentioned, and the majority of art that inspires me is graffiti art, I have realised that I am yet to mention one famous person in particular, Banksy.

I like his work, and how he has been one of the major people in contemporty graffiti, however he has become too well know as being anonymous, that it is a shame that a lot of people are making art and trying to pass it off as a ‘banksy’. it is almost as if they are trying just to get some sort of fame or cash rewards from using a name of someone who is anonymous.

However I do enjoy the ones that I know belong to him, if I am unsure then I don’t enjoy them as much and I’m not sure why, maybe it’s because I’m not sure if I’m just looking at something which someone is trying to pretend it is something else, which I see as being wrong. The ready made and using ready made objects I can see as being art, but just using a persons ‘identidy’ to get your art seen I disregard and hate.

Anyway the two pieces of Banksy, (that I know are his) and I enjoy are the two images posted here.

I enjoy the controversy that is created by his pieces, and hearing about how it has offended many, but at the same time appeared as a joke to many more. The locations are also something I like, as mentioned before I prefer to stumble across the art on the street, have it more as a surprise, something that will lighten up many peoples day instead of being in a gallery where you are in the mindset to see it, you expect it and sometimes it wont live up to a certain standard.